Bemak Benelux, a leader in garden supplies, overcame challenges, defined roles, adopted strategies, and achieved results while distributing prestigious brands like Efco, Kaaz, Oleo-Mac, Gardena, Bahco, Dormax.
The journey began with the recognition that Bemak was grappling with substantial operational and administrative challenges. The manual entry of price lists and product information not only consumed extensive time but also hindered efficiency. Collaborating closely with Bemak, we identified these challenges and embarked on a path to address them.
In the pursuit of transformation, roles were defined clearly. Bemak took on the role of the visionary, while our team assumed the role of facilitators and solution providers. This partnership allowed us to capitalise on each other's strengths and expertise.
An innovative approach was adopted to tackle the issues at hand. We jointly conceived and launched a B2B webshop, revolutionising the order placement process. This bold step empowered customers to place orders independently, freeing up valuable time for Bemak to focus on core tasks.
Our collaboration with Bemak Benelux bore significant fruit. We enhanced efficiency, introduced a transformative B2B webshop, and implemented a focused 'B2B2C growth hacking' strategy, resulting in increased brand awareness and substantial revenue growth. Bemak's position in the industry is now solidified, laying the foundation for ongoing success. By harmonising sales and marketing, we've charted a course for enduring prosperity. This journey is just beginning, and we look forward to the promising future that awaits Bemak Benelux