Assumption mapping is a tool used to identify and understand the underlying assumptions that inform decision-making. It is a process of systematically identifying and examining the assumptions that shape our understanding of a problem or situation, and the decisions we make as a result. The goal of assumption mapping is to increase the transparency and validity of decision-making by making our assumptions explicit and subjecting them to scrutiny.
Assumptions are an inherent part of decision-making, and we often make them unconsciously. Without being aware of our assumptions, we may base our decisions on false or incomplete information. This can lead to poor decisions and missed opportunities. By making our assumptions explicit and subjecting them to scrutiny, assumption mapping helps us identify and overcome potential biases and errors in our thinking. It also helps us to identify and explore alternative perspectives, leading to more creative and effective decision-making.
Assumption Mapping is a powerful tool that can help us overcome biases and improve the quality of our decision-making. By making our assumptions explicit, we can subject them to scrutiny and identify potential flaws or gaps in our understanding. This can lead to more informed, effective and efficient decisions. It can be used in any field, whether it be Business, Politics, Engineering or any other field. It's the process of questioning and validating the assumptions which makes it valuable.
Do you have questions or ideas but can't get them validated or worked out? If so, don't hesitate to contact Stretch Innovation!
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