The logo of Stretch Innovation, a growth and innovation agency.
More Value. More Customers. More Revenue

A Growth Audit to identify new exponential growth opportunities based on your current data

Shift up a gear
Growth Audit

The Growth Audit zeroes in on your whole customer journey funnel, from awareness to retention. We study your target persona and, if needed, do additional product-market fit research. Next, we carefully check whether the data is being tracked and reported correctly, and analyze all of your website & digital channel data in order to get a view of the different phases of the Pirate Funnel and the opportunities for growth. Finally, we check benchmarks and competitors to understand the market & learn from the competition. The result of this audit is appropriate advice for maximum growth.

Growth Roadmap

The Growth Roadmap workshop is the heart of our work together. Once we've scoped out your entire customer journey funnel and growth opportunities, we turn them into a prioritized list of experiments based on relevance, impact, scalability, feasibility, and gut feeling to test different channels, messaging, and tools. With the most promising experiment ideas, we build a growth roadmap for the following 3 to 6 months. The roadmap includes the prioritized experiments, with clear descriptions of hypotheses, timeframe, execution details, and success criteria.

Growth Infrastructure

To be able to test and learn from experiments, it is crucial to have a well-functioning website and install the right digital channel managers. Therefore, before executing growth experiments, we improve your data tracking setup, build a customized data reporting dashboard, and advise on the necessary website adaptations (CRO). We make sure your website is ready when driving traffic to it to maximize your return on investment.

the way stretch innovation works

Why is it so great to work with us?

From post-it to new customer

From brainstorming to identifying opportunities, making them real and validating them and also effectively integrating them into the market: Stretch Innovation guides its partners from A to Z.

Entrepreneurs, not consultants

As innovative entrepreneurs, we tackle every project like it would be ours. We therefore pursue KPIs, and do not work according to the principle of 'hourly billing'.


Start from experience: based on in-depth market insights, data-driven trends, as well as continuous monitoring by stakeholders, we learn from the past of your business. We apply this know-how to current and new innovation projects.


By looking across borders, both international and cross-industry, Stretch offers diverse opportunities for your business.

Got ideas?
Let's Make Some Trouble (the Good Kind)!


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